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Don’t get Burned by Fast-Talking Women and Fast-Moving Wildfires

Published by 911 Restoration San Diego on April 29, 2014 in category: Disaster Planning, Fire Damage Repair with tags:

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San Diego is a great place to live! We have the best year-round weather in the country, there are plenty of pretty beach-going ladies to invite out for a coffee, and the recreational activities are endless. But where there are herds of pretty ladies and acres of natural wonderment, the risk for fast-talkers and wildfires is heightened, and residents must beware of both!

How are Fast-Talking Women like Wildfires?

It is really simple; both are hard to control, they are hot-tempered, and if you aren’t careful they can burn you. The best fire damage restoration companies in San Diego will have the training and tools necessary to remediate fire damage and advise homeowners on how to help protect their home from out-of-control fires. But when it comes to those blazing ladies, most will scratch their heads and shrug.

How to Spot a Fast-Talker

It can be risky to open yourself up to someone new. The last thing you want is to fall for a gold-digger and upset your friends for the next year who blatantly warn you left and right that she’s no good. Here are some signs to look for that may indicate your special lady friend is a feisty fast-talker:

  • The first time you meet she asks what kind of a car you drive
  • In the first 5 minutes of meeting she asks what you do for a living
  • You catch her trying to look in your wallet when you open it to pay the bill (looking to see how many/what kind of credit cards you have)
  • She talks to lots of guys on social media
  • She rewards you for expensive gifts
  • She doesn’t react to inexpensive gifts
  • She tries to dress you to fit her style
  • She won’t go out unless it involves spending money

These are just some of the signs that can raise the red flag. Once you let her dig her hooks into your heart you could be making her car payments, paying her rent and feeding her lobster every other day and not even notice!

How to Defend Your Home from a Wildfire

Fires are frightening things to face, but so long as the local authorities are not evacuating homeowners there are several steps you can take to help protect your home from a fire blazing away in the hills or down the street. According to Cal Fire a homeowner can execute safe fire protection practices by creating a defensive space around the home. Remember that fire requires fuel to burn, and that fuel consists of dried brush and oxygen. You can create a buffer between your home and another building and the trees and wild land areas that surround it. If utilized correctly, this space can slow, stop or redirect fires. Start by pruning back your bushes and trees. Tree branches should be no more than 6 feet from the ground and shrubs no more than 18 inches high. Make sure trees are spaced apart by 10 feet and remove all dried leaves, twigs, dead branches and other debris. A plain, dirt-covered area will deprive fire of its precious fuel, and the space between your trees will limit oxygen flow.

If there is a fire in the area take a hose and spray down your roof and the sides of your house. Do not be afraid of causing any water damage to your house because fire damage will be even worse. A number of homes catch fire due to jumping sparks landing on rooftops, so hosing down your roof will help repel a wildfire the way a $5 sandwich will keep money-hungry women at bay.

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